Sunday, September 19, 2010

Facebook Status'

Alrighht we all love facebook.
Love hate relationships at least.
But what people must know is.... facebook is not your own personal problem diary

Stop bringing homo problems that know one cares about onto facebook...
this also includes stupid annoying status' that you will regret likin or commentin on.

Top five Shitty Status'
1. If you like this ill tell you how good u r (stop suckin ppls butt)
2. ...Im gonna kill myself (cheer up attention whore)
If you wana kill yourself, do it,

My heart is a safe, but the combination has been lost
(umm cry me a river then drown in it, that is a laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamee status)

3.OMFG you will never guess what just happened!!! (omfg u will never guess that no one cares!!)

4. Anything related to football e.g Roosters VS tigers (if i cared i would have looked it up on goog.)
not to mention the fact that football is pretty dam lame. im sorry it is...
like your watchin guys touchiin each other, rubbin their bodies against one another with great force
whilst gruntin and making other innappropriate noises, a gay mans porn.

5. Shitty song lyrics (i think this one annoys me the most perfect examples are "I throw my hands up in the air some times") im sorry but this is just not a legitamate reason to update your status, 
EXCEPTION - if its a REALLY good song with meaningful lyrics that arent emo

if its funny THEN say it. if its not, whisper it to yourself.

Oh another thing
people who constantly update their status like morre then 15 times a day
a. have something legit or funny to say, its alll good (LEGIT REASON)
b.  are craving for someone to talk to
c.  dont actually know any of your facebook friends
d.  cant post it on anyones walll coz you know no one cares
e.  are socially retarded and cannot hold a decent conversation with anyone so instead you update status
f.  have no legit real social life
g.  are a fatt virus
h. are trying to see if anyone cares about you...... They probably don't
i. are listening to mad tunage that you want to inspire ppl with (LEGIT REASON)

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