Why is it that people who spend like a bajilllion dollars buying iPhones and Blackberrys, and touch screen bla bla blaa's never answer there freakin phones?
Its always whenever you dont need someone there always calling u but the second
u have to meet up with them oor u need something from them BOOM no answer...
Also how everyone is so worried about getting cancer from the radiation projecting from their mobiles, but then you see those same people camping outside the Apple store waiting for the iPhone 4 to come out....
On that note, why do people do that?
Why would anyone, in their right mind, camp outside of an electrical appliance store, all night, in the cold, in public looking like a damm fool.. to buy a chunk of metal that will be marked down 40% within 3 weeks?
Like correct me if i'm being illogical but why oh why don't people learn..?
iPhones were like $100000 the day they came out
and then like $800 3 weeks later
AND THEN updated with new software and a better camera like 5 months later..
Why not just wait?
Like how much do you NEED an iPhone, will you die without one?
I swear, Apple is really on to something good, they can sell you fools fucking anything.
Maybe its the liquid cocaine they pump through the air conditioning systems in the store,
maybe its the money saving plain white boxes everything comes in, that seems so beautifully simple.
Or is it the fact that they put "i" in front of everything, is that what lures people in?
The people that feel like they never own anything, the ones that are self conscious and
heart broken, they feel by same its my iPod i own this iPod will help their life get better?
What ever it is, people have this idea that Apple knows everything and therefore they must buy all their products...
And you say theres no such thing as illuminati...
HA! i beg to differ